Are you Driving Your Business?

Business Promotion Spain

Are you really Driving Your Business? Or are you a passenger just going along for the ride?
Because the landscape of business promotion and marketing is always changing, so you need to adapt to those changes to be able to stay relevant within your industry!

What am I talking about? Well think back to late last year when I told you about RankBrain.....Google's Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for search engine positioning evaluation.
Since then it's got much more efficient in it's processes because it has the ability to learn as it goes along. Consequently Google is now applying more importance to it's recommendations! It's purpose could best be described as the "translator", because it instructs the algorithm what to think about the content....with a view to making the search results more relevant to the user.

RankBrain has the ability to "humanise" the assessment, and is able to interpret the "intent" behind a user's query rather than just give a result based on matching words. Therefore you need to be delivering high quality relevant information by means of supplying answers, recommendations, and solutions to users' queries.

What we have now is three areas in the SEO process.....RankBrain, Content, and Links. When I say links I mean the number of quality backlinks on high authority sites that are pointing to yours.
So what is a "high authority" website? Essentially I'm referring to sites like Governmental, Educational, national newspapers, international news portals, multinational corporations etc. We're talking major league players here.....not a useless backlink on your mate's website for Jock Strap repairs that he made using a DIY sitebuilder. Links of that nature will see you dropping like a stone because you're grouping yourself in the same category as nonentities.

While we're on the subject of links, do NOT exchange mutual links with business colleagues. Reciprocal linking will get you both canned in double quick time as it looks like you're trying to cheat the system. This is not 2005! The only backlink worth having is one that you've earned on a high profile website! Quality not quantity is what counts, exactly the same as with the content that you publish on your site.

You cannot cheat your way to the top of search engines! Anybody who tries to convince you that they can guarantee high search engine positioning is just misleading you. Simply because you're now dealing with a system that has an artificial intelligence! Think of it as a robot in some respects. It has the ability to learn as it goes along, and is able to ascertain exactly what users are looking for in terms of their "intent". At that point it instructs the Google algorithms on how to make the relevant assessment.

RankBrain is geared to reward websites that deliver high quality content and offer a mobile friendly experience. Without both you have no hope whatsoever if your business is competing in a large, competitive business market like property, vehicles, tourism etc. Conversely, the knock-on effect of delivering a great experience on those factors, means there is more likelihood of you earning links on a high authority site which will help you even more.

Once again.....there is no "magic bullet". There are no shortcuts that can be taken! There is no way of cheating! It takes time and commitment to build up an extensive content base of high quality articles on your site that actually deliver value to users! I've been doing this for years, and I'm still doing it now. Hence our permanent placement at top spot on Google for "Web Design Spain".

Ask yourself why the businesses offering additional "SEO services" don't have the level of dominance that we have? After all, we don't even offer SEO services! The reason, quite simply, is that we practice what we preach by continually delivering quality unique content. And we then market it via Social Media! There is no mystery whatoever.....we just do what we advise you to do.

Now all this has nothing to do with Web Design (which is what we do), but it has everything to do with the promotional and marketing initiatives that are an integral part of your business (which is what you do).
There's no reason why any of you can't achieve the positioning that we have. We all use the same software, and nothing has been done technically on our site that hasn't been done on yours. The only difference is the content......or more specifically, the quality of the content, and what we do with it.

What do we do? If you're reading this article, there's your answer! We continually publish quality unique content that delivers value, which is then marketed across all Social Media channels! We hope you'll find these articles to be of help to you, but ultimately it's up to you whether you choose to act on them.

If you do, you'll need to do it on a permanent and ongoing basis. It's hard, and sometimes I wonder whether anybody even reads the articles! But what motivates me is I know who does read them.....and that's Google! I make sure they index it within an hour, and then it's one more star to add to my report card.

This sort of initiative can be classed as just one aspect of driving your business! And you know the old saying....."If you're not driving your business, then you'll be driven out of business".

I'm in the Driving Seat! I've always been in the Driving Seat! Are you?

If you need any advice just contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.