Spain Web Design News

Life on the Dark Side!

Business Web Hosting

We've always attempted to keep our clients safe from the undesirable elements and the grief that go along with doing business on the Internet. In effect we keep you within a protective shield so you don't see these things. Therefore you don't get grief. It just works! You don't even need to think about it!

I'm sure you're all familiar with the phrase "you get what you pay for", and this has never been more true than in the case of internet services. Particularly web hosting! Over a year ago, we published an article "Not all web hosting is created equal" where we detailed exactly what we bring to the table in terms of web hosting services. But things have changed since then......we've advanced even further with the addition of Cloud Linux on the servers.

We believe that no other web designer providing hosting services offers the allround quality of service that we after day.
And this is not just at server's also at site level, which no other web host will manage for you. With a normal web host, your site is your responsibility.....not theirs. But in our case, we handle it all to give you total peace of mind.

Obviously I would say that....wouldn't I? But what about the experience of a former client who went elsewhere, and actually discovered for herself what life is like on the Dark Side?

"The saying "You do not know what you have until it's gone" has never been so true for my husband and I.
Having been with WebSpain for around 9 years, WebSpain not only built our two business websites we were a hosting client too. During this whole time we had no issues whatsoever with our sites or hosting.

However as time went on our sites were considered "old " in the techno world and we didn't really have time to get round to upgrading them. This meant that as our sites were old, Webspain could not really support them any longer on their servers, as they are exceptionally up to the minute with hosting etc. Therefore we had to move. We changed to another hosting company and have had nothing but problems since. These varied from no e-mails, lost emails, and site down time, all of which is a nightmare when running a web based business. In the end we could not even get our e-mails.

So in desperation, we went to Pete for help and he ended up logging onto their server and rectifying the issue that the other hosting company were unable to do. The standard of service and professionalism of WebSpain can really not be compared to the many other companies out there. Believe me, we know and it has cost us dearly".

And that is the reality of the situation! I know the hosting company that she's with, and overall they have a good reputation. But we deliver a total allround package that far exceeds what any pure web host offers......and once you get accustomed to that as being the norm then anything else is going to fall short.

We haven't published this to blow our own trumpet, we've published this to make you aware of the reality here. And the reality is that you cannot compare the service that a basic web host provides against the totally rounded and all encompassing range of services that we deliver. They are totally different things.

In some cases you could save yourself a few Euros by switching to someone who just provides web hosting.....or you could even pay more. But in both cases you are still not going to get the allround level of service that we deliver.
All you will do is introduce a different element into the equation. And that element is grief! And going from my experience, the less you pay, the more the grief is going to increase! Just remember that not all web hosting is created equal, and Life on the Dark Side may not be what you expect.

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