Spain Web Design News

The Power of Video Marketing

Video Marketing

Are you using videos to promote your business? If not, you should be! Providing your specific industry easily lends itself to video marketing. By that, I mean Property Agents, Tourism, Automotive, Construction etc. In fact anything where you can incorporate visual elements to get user attention. If you're wondering why it's advantageous to do this, check out the recent statistics:

  • 78% of people watch online videos at least once per week, and as many as 55% watch online videos every day.
  • By 2022, video content will comprise more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic.
  • 59% of modern executives report they would prefer to watch a video than read text-based content.
  • Viewers can retain up to 95% of a message relayed through video content, compared to only about 10% through text-based content.
  • 92% of people watching video content will share the content with others.
  • 65% of people report that watching YouTube videos has helped them successfully solve a problem or complete a task.
  • 62% of consumers report higher interest in products after seeing them in video-based promotion through Social Media.

YouTube is a key element here! Remember that this is part of Google's empire, so it carries a lot of authority. Haven't you noticed that when you search for something on Google that YouTube videos keep popping up as suggestions? That could be your business leapfrogging into a high position on the front page.
YouTube is literally a Content Marketing goldmine with billions of views every day, with viewers consuming roughly one billion hours of content on a daily basis. That's a huge outreach that you could tap into! Just embedding videos into your site that nobody will ever see is a waste of time.......let YouTube promote your business for you!

And it's so easy to do! Create a YouTube channel for your business via your Google account, record your content via your smartphone, and then upload to YouTube. Make sure you give a short description using your critical keywords and phrases, use YouTube's tagging feature for keywords......and then add a link to your site. It's absolutely critical that you add this link to drive traffic to your website - and increased organic traffic has the knock-on effect of potentially boosting your rankings. 

Video is a critical marketing tool these days......and one that you should definitely consider to increase your outreach. It gives you the ability to share more information about your brand, your values, and your products and services with a wider audience simply by leveraging the power of video content.

I'll openly confess that I don't do it......simply because I have nothing of value to actually record on film. But if there's an opening for YOU to use it via a YouTube channel, then definitely consider it to promote your business and get yourself in front of potential clients!

As always, if you have any queries, just contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.